Exposition park

  • 1.5 hour program on roses. Registration is needed previously.
  • Receiving cyclists, visiting the show garden on the site (15 min)
  • Watching movie in the conference room (30 min)
  • visiting the outdoor exposition park (45 min)


Dear guests, visitors, tourists.

We are glad to welcome you at AGRIROSARIUM visitor park.

The park is part of a locally significant area showing typical farming practices. Take a relaxing walk among the roses, and enjoy the wealth of information on rose breeding.

Roses are among the very first ornamental plants planted by man. The selective breeding of roses started thousands of years ago and still continues today producing countless varieties and a huge diversity of colours and shapes. The exact botanical identification of the varieties is almost impossible due to their ancestry rooted in the ancient unknown, a tangle of numerous crossings, and the quick succession of new breeds today. Instead, roses are put into practical groups depending on their ornamental properties and use. These groups represent the different stations of selective breeding and also its different directions. In addition to their ornamental properties, the biological rhythm and needs of the types also differ.

You can see several different varieties in our rose beds. In the rose farm adjacent to the park more than 300 varieties are cultivated. Several are classical varieties, and most of them are protected. Our roses have been bred by several different Western European rose breeders, and are perfectly adapted to our geographical and natural conditions.  Several varieties are ADR certified, which means that they have been found excellent by the most rigorous German inspection, and are outstandingly resistant to pests and diseases.

We wish you a relaxing and enjoyable walk through our gardens.

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